The musical group Xiula creates a song about the bike

At the heart of a society crying out for significant changes towards sustainability, a melody emerges that captures the spirit of a generation committed to transforming urban mobility.

The band Xiula has given us a musical gift that will not only resonate in the streets, but also in the hearts of those who dream of greener and more accessible cities. Their new song becomes the anthem of a growing movement: the #bicibús.

🎶 «We have created this urban anthem to the rhythm of the bicycle to accompany the emerging bicibus movement throughout the country, which seeks to vindicate the right of boys and girls to access their schools through a healthy, sustainable and safe means of transportation. » 🎶

With these words, Xiula invites us to pedal to the beat of her music, joining the wave of activism that seeks to modify the current panorama of our cities. Xiula's song not only advocates for a change in the way we move, but also celebrates the joy, freedom, and community that lies at the heart of the bicibus movement.

The song's video clip is a window to the soul of this movement, capturing the beauty and emotion of boys, girls and families who choose the bicycle as their standard of mobility. The images, full of emotional moments and collective triumphs, not only inspire us, but invite us to be part of this change, showing us that an urban life is possible where children can move or play freely.

Music has the power to unite, motivate and transform. With her latest release, Xiula not only gives us a song, but a call to action. They remind us that every pedal stroke counts, that every bike that is formed is one more step towards cleaner, safer and more livable cities. It is a reminder that change begins with us, in our daily decisions and in our willingness to imagine and fight for a better future.

Thank you, Xiula, for providing the soundtrack to this movement!